Argonath RPG rules

Illegal game modifications

  • Handling modifications
  • Weapon damage modifications
  • Changes to the map or vehicles collisions
  • Hacks / Trainers
  • Any other mod that gives the player advantages against the stock GTA V version


  • It is not allowed to advertise servers or communities not affiliated with Argonath RPG

Bugs & Exploits

  • Do not take advantage of bugs of any kind (server / client). Please contact the server staff instead and report the issue.
  • Do not use any GTA V exploits

Main chat policies

  • Use English only on the main chat. Other languages may be used at the PT-BR, ES, Local chats and via private messages.
  • Avoid foul language on the main chat
  • Racist / homophobic comments are not allowed

Combat rules

  • Do not deathmatch - attacking without any reason
  • Vehicles may never be used to harm other players
  • Give your enemies a chance to react before attacking them. Use /me or give a minimum acceptable interval between aiming and shooting.
  • Do not pause or quit the game while in combat
  • Do not rejoin a combat (RP) after dying/jail until the RP has ended for your enemy or allies

Suspect rules

  • Criminals must not use their wanted status as a reason to hunt for cops or other players, criminals are expected to run.
  • Suspects are allowed to counter police officers, using deadly forces against them, as they see fit.
  • Provoking Police Officers via chat messages will be considered as deathmatching.
  • Don't evade in Airplanes or Helicopters

Lawbreakers and Roleplay

    Alleged lawbreakers that refuses to Roleplay can expect the following repercussions:
  • Lose their rights to request a police investigation
  • Get escorted to jail for traffic violations
  • Get sued by players or the police authority from which a judge may request harsher punishments

Server Bans

  • Players in disregard of the server rules may be punished with temporary bans ranging from 15 minutes to 7 days. In extreme cases we may apply permanent bans which can be appealed.

User accounts

    Accounts may be deleted with the following parameters:
  • Inactive for 30 days + unfinished tutorial
  • Banned for 12 months