Buying a property

- Find a property (like the one above).
- Walk onto the marker and the server will display if the property is for sale or the name of the person who owns it
- Type /building to get more information about the property.

- Type /buyproperty to buy it
Selling the property
Important things to know before selling your property:
- You must remove all stored items and money.
- Stored vehicles will be moved to the LSPD impound
- You will receive the property value back.
- Stand near your proerty
- Type /sellproperty
Selling the property to another player
Important things to know before selling your property:
- You must remove all stored items and money.
- Stored vehicles will be moved to the LSPD impound
- You will NOT receive the property value back.
- Stand near your proerty
- Type /sellproperty [playerid]
Property inventory
- Type /property to manage its inventory and other settings.

Renting a house
About Renting:
- The rent price will be deducted from your invent every week (7 days)
- If you don't have the rent money you will be evicted
- The owner of the property have the right to evict tenants, the eviction process takes 5 days.
Start renting:
- Find a house available for rent and type /building to see the rent price
- Type /rent to start renting the property
Stop renting:
- Use /stoprent at the property
How to rent your house:
- Use /setrent [rent value] at the property
- /setrent can also be used to update the rent value while your property isnt rented
House invites
Inviting players to your house allows them to load & store:
- Items
- Money
- Vehicles
- Clothes
Use /property to add, remove and view all invitations.