Checking your items and money
Type /invent
Money: 32700$Vehicle: Sentinel
(0)Passport, (1)Cellphone: 20003, (2)GPS, (3)SMG
Items weight: 3.4 kg
Exchanging items and money
- Type
/trade [player id] and select an item from the list
- Type
/accepttrade to confirm or wait until the player adds another item to the trade - The items will be exchanged only when both players used /accepttrade
*Type /canceltrade to stop the exchange at any moment
Throw an item away
Type /throwaway [item id] . Example:
- /throwaway 3
- SMG will be removed from this inventory
Wire transfer
Type /wire [player id] [amount] to wire money to another player. Consider using /trade instead to prevent scamming
Throw an item away
Type /throwaway [item id] . Example:
- /throwaway 3
- SMG will be removed from this inventory