- Handling modifications
- Weapon damage modifications
- Changes to the map or vehicle collisions
- Hacks / trainers
- Any other mod that gives the player advantages against the stock version of GTA V
- It is not allowed to advertise servers or communities not affiliated with Argonath RPG
- Do not use any GTA V exploits
- Do not take advantage of bugs of any kind (server / client). Please contact the server staff instead and report the issue
- Inactive for 30 days + unfinished tutorial
- Banned for 12 months
- Use English only on the main chat. Other languages may be used at the PT-BR, ES, local chats and via private messages
- Avoid foul language on the main chat
- Racist / homophobic comments are not allowed
- Do not deathmatch - attacking without any reason
- Vehicles may never be used to harm other players
- Give your enemies a chance to react before attacking them. Use /me or give a minimum acceptable interval between aiming and shooting
- Do not pause or quit the game while in combat
- Do not rejoin a combat (RP) after dying/jail until the RP has ended for your enemy or allies
- Criminals must not use their wanted status as a reason to hunt for cops or other players, criminals are expected to run
- Suspects are allowed to counter police officers who are using deadly forces against the suspect
- Provoking officers via chat messages will be considered as deathmatching
- Suspects may not evade in airplanes or helicopters
- Lose their rights to request a police investigation
- Get escorted to jail for traffic violations
- Get sued by players or the police authority from which a judge may request harsher punishments
- Do not suspect for rulebreaks, use /report instead.
- Do not abuse /suspect command without a valid law break.
- Cops may use the weapons granted by scripts only.
- Do not shoot suspects that offer no resistance
- Do not attack or provoke cops while they don't interact with you
- Do not escape the law enforcement if you have given up (/gu)
- Shooting randomly at cops or randomly getting suspected for major law breaks is counted as deathmatching
- Do not evade the law enforcers in helicopter (if a person is suspected while already flying they must abandon the helicopter within 1 minute)
- Do not random aid suspects
- Normal city and town streets: 80 km/h
- County interstate roads: 100 km/h
- Highways within Los Santos: 120 km/h
- Highways outside Los Santos: 140 km/h
- All citizens are expected to pull over to the side of the road if they see or hear a passing Law Enforcement Organisation vehicle, ambulance or firetruck with emergency lights and sirens turned on.
- Possessing, buying, selling, producing, transporting, promoting, giving and receiving non-medical drugs is prohibited.
- Automatic pistols
- Automatic shotguns
- Exploding weapons (grenades, mines etc.)
- A person must not unholster their weapons in public areas
- No person is entitled to give death to another person without due process of justice. Exceptions are made for self defence and Law Enforcement Officers who are preventing or stopping a crime.
- Any person who commits, attempts to commit or assists in committing a crime, is guilty of that specific crime.
- A Law Enforcement Officer who is arresting a person must immediately inform the person of the reason of their arrest.
- Abuse of any power is prohibited.
- Threat to cause injury or death is prohibited.
- Attacking another person with or without a weapon is prohibited and is classified as assault.
- Attacking another person with a vehicle is prohibited and is classified as vehicular assault.
- Go to City Hall located at your map.
- Go to the red marker and a GUI will appear where you can choose “Change Name”. Then a text box will appear to input your new name.
- **Note**, first name change is for free, after that you will have to pay 5,000$ per name change.
- /changepass [NewPassword] To change your password.
- Make sure your password is highly secured and not a simple one.
- Administrators or Management will NOT ask you about your passowrd.
- Your E-mail should be a valid one in order to be able to reset your password if you forgot it.
- /setmail [newmail] To set a new mail for your account. For example; /setmail ABC23@gmail.com
- You can hide your country from your login message if you wish to, but note that it is impossible to have it back again. .
- /country To hide your login location. Remember, you cannot revert it back if it is done.
- /trade [player id] and select an item from the list
- /accepttrade to confirm or wait until the player adds another item to the trade
- The items will be exchanged only when both players used /accepttrade
- /canceltrade to stop the exchange at any moment
- /thowaway [item id] Example:
- /throwaway 3 SMG will be removed from this inventory
- /wire [player id] [amount]. Consider using /trade instead to prevent scamming.
- /colTo see the online passport authority members.
- Allow you to go on police duty.
- Allow you to purchase a house, business or a vehicle.
- Allow you to apply for different official factions like LSPD, LSFD or EMS.
- Can keep you away from police investigations for illegal immigration. (RP wise)
- /dtTo see the online SSDS members.
- Allow you to buy a personnel vehicle.
- Allow you to apply for different official factions such as LSPD, LSFD or EMS.
- Can keep you away from police suspicion of driving without licenses. (RP wise).
- /me To do roleplay actions by your character. For example; /me drinks a cup of tea.
- /em To describe the environment of the roleplay scene. For example; /em You would see blood on the wall of the room and broken glass on the ground.
- /l To speak locally with the nearby players. It is used mostly for IC chat.
- /w or /whisper: To speak in low voice (whispering), its range is shorter than /l ((Note: /w range is limited to the players inside the vehicle if you are a passenger or driver.))
- /s or /shout: To speak loudly in roleplay scenarios. Its range is longer than local command and whisper command.
- /p or by just typing without any slash or any commands: The global chat where everyone can hear you and it is not considered as roleplay chat at all. Remember to maintain English language on this chat and do not use offensive words.
- /o For OOC chat, it's range is same as /l command range.
- /pm [PlayerID] [text] To send a private message to another player. Feel free to speak in any language in private messages if the other player agrees.
- /joinchannel [ChannelNumber] To join a public channel that does not have a password. For example; /joinchannel 1
- /joinchannel [ChannelNumber] [password] To join a private channel that have a password and only players with the password can join it.
- /cbusers To see the players on the same frequency.
- /cb [text] To chat in your default CB radio.
- /cbsettings [channel Number] To display a dialog to interact with the settings of your owned private CB. You can transfer ownership, change password and/or enable/disable voice chat. ((Currently voice chat is disabled in the whole server))
- /setdefault [CB] [CB frequency] To set another device as your default one in case of having more than one.
- /devices All features above on an User Interface
- Private CB channel can allow you track the users in it easily using /area [PlayerID]
- You cannot track other users in the public CB channels.
- In order to purchase a private CB channel for yourself:
- Go to the City Hall in your map.
- Go to the red marker and a GUI will appear where you can choose to purchase private CBs.
- Go to the City Hall in your map.
- /phone To take out your phone. A UI phone will appear on the right bottom of the screen where you can interact with it easily. All chats and contacts are saved.
- /phone [PhoneNumber] If you have more than one phone at the same time, you can use this command to take out different phones.
- /setdefault phone [Phone Number] To set your default phone to another device. Also available on /devices
- /call [phoneNumber] To call another player through the phone.
- /call 911 [text] To send a message to emergency services. Police Officers, firefighters and medics will be able to see the message.
- /call mechanic To call the official mechanic services. All mechanics online will be informed of your location.
- /chatmode [main/local/cb] To set your default chat. Main is for global chat, local for roleplay local chat and cb for your private radio chat.
- /pm [PlayerID] Without typing any text to create a new tab for the PM chat with that player.
- /chat [radio/local/cb] To create a new tab in one of the three options. Radio for EMS workers (police, firemen and medics).
Clothes tutorial | GPS & Phone tutorial | Food tutorial |
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- Enforce the laws to all citizens of San Andreas City.
- Help and assist civilians and other EMS workers to accomplish their duties easier.
- Treat everyone friendly and create enjoyable and fun roleplay environment.
- Do not suspect for rulebreaks, use /report instead.
- Do not abuse /suspect command without a valid law break.
- Cops may use the weapons granted by scripts only.
- Do not shoot suspects that offer no resistance.
- /duty: To join the police duty, you must be near one of the police stations.
- /equip: To equip yourself with the standard police weapons. (Combat-Pistol, Heavy-Pistol, Pump-Shotgun, flashlight and nightstick)
- /heal: To heal yourself at the police station.
- /fixvehicle: To fix your cruiser at the police station.
- fillup or press SHIFT: To fll up your cruiser. You must be at a gas station. (For free)
- /m [1 / 2 /3]: To be used in police cruisers to say standard megaphone sentences. For example; /m 1 Pull over to the side of the road!
- /m [text]: To speak in the megaphone. You must be inside the cruiser.
- /speed [PlayerID]: To track the speed of the player.
- /crime [playerID]: To see the reason of the suspicion.
- /gued [PlayerID]: To see if the suspect has surrendered or not.
- /rank [playerID]: To see the rank of another cop.
- /r or /radio: To speak in the police radio with other officers on-duty.
- /e or /emergency: To speak with firefighters and medics.
- /su [playerID] [reason]: To suspect a player for a law break reason.
- /cuff [PlayerID]: To cuff a suspect who surrendered. (Suspects can surrender by /gu)
- /jail [playerID]: To jail the suspect at the police station. He must be cuffed and surrendered
- /harvest: To destroy a weed plant. You must be near it.
- Enforce the laws to all citizens of San Andreas City.
- Help and assist civilians and other EMS workers to accomplish their duties easier.
- Treat everyone friendly and create enjoyable and fun roleplay environment.
- Guide lower ranks and freecops.
- Follow your department’s procedures and protocols.
- Follow Law Enforcement Rules stated above and in RULES section.
- /cs [PlayerID] [reason] To cancel suspect of the player. Can be used by LSPD Senior Officers+
- /breach To breach a locked house. You must do /enter first to have the command working.
- /promotelaw [rank/fire] To promote players to LSPD ranks. Used by Lieutenants+
- /promotenoose [lead/op/fire] To promote players to NOOSE ranks. Only Team Leaders can use the command.
- /equip [weaponName] [PlayerID] To equip another cop with other weapons. Sergeants+ can use this command.
- /su [CopID] [Reason] To suspect another on-duty cop for corruption or such. Lieutenants+ can use this command.
- /mechanicTo join mechanic duty.
- /equip To equip yourself with gas cans which can be used to fill up other players’ vehicles.
- /fixvehicle [MechanicID] Used by the player to fix his vehicle from the mechanic.
- /towvehicle [model] [mechanicID] Used by the player to tow his vehicle to LSPD impound from the mechanic.
- /fillup [MechanicID] Used by the player to fill up his vehicle from the mechanic.
- /wash [MechanicID] Used by the player to wash their vehicle. ((Currently Disabled.))
- /medic: To join the medic duty at one of the hospitals.
- /heal [MedicID]: Used by the player to heal himself from the medic.
- /uniform: To display a GUI to select your medic skin and your skin accessories.
- /fixvehicle: To fix your EMS vehicle at the hospital for free.
- /fillup: To fill up your EMS vehicle at the gas station for free.
- /equip: To equip yourself first aid kits to heal other players.
- /fireman: To join firefighter duty at one of the fire stations.
- /uniform: To display a GUI to select your firefighter skin and your skin accessories.
- /fixvehicle: To fix your fire truck at the hospital for free.
- /fillup: To fill up your fire truck at the gas station for free.

- Once you are in a boat, a red dot will appear automatically in your map which shows you the area of fishing.
- Once you arrive to the red dot, drive around and the system will fish automatically until you finish your fish baits.
- Once you have finished fishing, another red dot will appear which shows you the location back to the boats port.
- Once you drive the boat into the red marker, fishes will be sold automatically and you will be given new fish baits.
- Go to the newspaper agency building.
- Take one of the bikes parked there.
- Drive it into the red marker and newspapers will be loaded automatically.
- Yellow dots will appear in your map, drive with your bike to those locations and deliver the newspapers.
- Newspaper are delivered automatically once you are near the location.
- After finishing, drive back to the agency building and go into the red marker again to get paid.
As a truck driver, your job is to deliver cargos to different businesses. You can carry more than one cargo at the same time as far as your truck can withstand it. Each truck has a maximum weight to carry. You can review the maximum weight at /purchaseinfo inside the truck.
- Go to the trucking company which can be found at your map.
- Take a truck and drive it into the red marker.
- A list of available cargos with the details will appear in a GUI. Pick the cargos you would like to deliver. You can pick more than one cargo, but it also depends on the maximum weight of the truck.
- After picking the cargos, yellow dots will appear in your map with each Cargo destination. Drive to each location and the cargo will be delivered automatically.
- /cargo To see the details of the cargos that the truck is carrying.
As a Bush Pilot your job is to deliver cargos to unusual locations, we don't recommend this job for players with low flying experience.
Tip: safety is more productive than speed.
Skill progression
- Dodo [0 - 20]
- Mammatus [20 - 50]
- Velum [50 - 120]
- Cuban800 [70 - 150]
- More to be added
- Go to the Los Santos Airport aircraft rentals and rent a Dodo. You can use your /gps to locate the Rentals.
- Enter the Dodo and taxi it to the Loading Bay
- Land carefully near the yellow dots to deliver the cargo.
- Once all three cargos are delivered, fly back to the Los Santos airport to collect your reward

Renting & Ownership bonus
- Renting gives 16% of the rent price, you need to deliver cargos 6x for full compensation
- Owning the airplane returns 10% of what would be the rent price
- Requirements: 1 pilot with skill 70+ and 1 passenger with "Respect" level 2
- Starting: With both players inside the Cuban drive the airplane onto the LS airport loading bay
- The pilot has to pickup the product at some random location and fly it to the landing zone.
- Meanwhile the criminal partner must select a getaway vehicle and meet the pilot at the destination
- Use your /gps to go to the nearest pharmacy.
- /shop: At the pharmacy to buy “cannabis-seeds”.
- /grow: At the weed field to plant one seed.
- /harvest: To harvest the plant.
- Weed fields: Paleto Bay, Red Wood Lights Track, Grapeseed, Tongva Hills and Great Chapparal.
- There might be more weed fields, you have to work your own way to find them out!
- Each plant takes four minutes to grow fully for the one planted it. While it takes five minutes for anyone trying to steal it.
- You can only grow one seed at the field. You may use multiple fields at the same time to grow faster.
- Watch out for cos, planting weed is illegal!
- Each one seed gives you 20 cannabis seeds.
- You can sell the cannabis to players or through the black-market.

Black Market: You can work in the black market (NPCs) by finishing the tasks given to you from each NPC. Currently we have two NPCs. You have to unlock the first NPC in order to unlock the second one. There are more opportunities for businesses and jobs to do once you go deeper with the black-market job. First NPC can be found at Piero Pair Beach.

- To unlock the first NPC, you have to do the first task and buy 300 Cannabis-seeds.
- You have to search for the second NPC location or you can ask another criminal to tell you.
- State vehicles are placed almost everywhere in the map; you can use any of them freely without being suspected for stealing vehicles.
- State vehicles cannot be modified or tuned or anything. You cannot change its color.
- State vehicles have speed limit enforced by the scripts; you cannot go above the limit. Exception for EMS workers like police officers, medics or firefighters.
- Go to City Hall
- Walk to the red marker and a GUI will appear where you can choose “Vehicle Importation”. You can choose vehicle category that appeals to you and preview the vehicles before purchasing them.
- Go to one of the dealerships by using /gps then choose “Dealerships and Rentals”
- /purchaseinfo: To display the information and price of the vehicle you are inside.
- /buyvehicle : To purchase the vehicle you are inside.
- Going to one of the dealerships. ((/gps and choose “Dealerships and Rentals”))
- /sellvehicleTo sell the vehicle at the dealership. You will receive the price of the vehicle in /purchaseinfo.
You can also transfer the vehicle to another player, but note that you will NOT receive its money back. - /transfervehicle [PlayerID] To transfer the vehicle to another player. No money will be paid in return.
- Go to one of the rentals. (/gps then choose “Dealerships and Rentals”).
- Walk to the red marker and it will take you to the list of the vehicles available for rent.
- /rentvehicle To rent the vehicle you are currently previewing.
- /stoprent To stop the rent of the vehicle. Note: You will not receive back any money!
- Go to one of the dealerships. ((/gps then choose “Dealerships and Rentals”))
- /tune To display interactable list of the available tunes for your vehicle.
- /extra [ID] To add extras to your vehicle. ID from 1 to 20. Some of them are for engine performance.
- /livery [ID] To add liveries to your vehicle. IDs from XXXX to XXXXX
- /neon To display a GUI to set the colors of your vehicle neon.
- /neon [on/off] To set the neon lights on or off.
- /savecar To save your vehicle after modifying and tuning it.
- /fixvehicle To fix your vehicle at one of the dealerships.
- /carcolor [ID] [ID] [ID] [ID] To change your vehicle’s color at the dealership.
- /carlock To lock your vehicle. You must be inside the vehicle if you have multiple ones near-by.
- /carlock [CB Channel Number] To lock your vehicle and only allow users of the CB channel to be able to drive it.
- /engine To turn on/off your engine.
- /doors A small GUI will appear to control your vehicle’s doors, trunk and hood.
- /gps mycar To track your vehicle location using the GPS.
- Walk to the marker in front of the house to check if it is for sale or not.
- /building: To see the price, class type and garage slots of the house.
- /buyproperty: To purchase the property you are standing at its marker.
- Make sure you remove all items and money inside your house.
- Remove your vehicles or they will be impounded to LSPD Garage Impound.
- /sellproperty: To sell the property to the state. You will receive the money of the property back.
- Remove all of your items in the house inventory including your money..etc
- Your vehicles will be impounded to LSPD impound.
- You will NOT receive money in return, make sure the player trades the money to you first.
- /sellproperty [PlayerID]To transfer the property ownership to another player. You will not be paid!
- /setrent [amount] To set your house for rent with the amount you assign.
- /stoprent To disable the renting of the house.
- Find a house placed for rent and type /building to see the rent price.
- /rent To start renting the house.
- /stoprent To stop renting the house.
- Rent money will be deducted from your invent every one week. (7 days.)
- If you don’t have the rent money, you will be evicted automatically.
- /property To access the house inventory.
- Wardrobe: To save your current skin or load another stored skin.
- Items: To store or load money, guns, weed and any other portable item.
- Garage: To store your vehicle. (It must be parked near the house) or load a vehicle from the garage.
- Invites: To invite people to your house or remove an already invited one.
- Change Name: To change the name of the house. Only owner can do that.
- Change Lock: To lock or unlock your house. (Invited people will be able to access the house still)
- Interior: To review list of the available interiors for the house. You can review the interiors before setting it.
- Can withdraw or deposit money into the house.
- Can load or store money into the house.
- Can load or store skin into the house wardrobe.
- Can load or store vehicles into the house garage. ((Vehicle will be sent back to the house once the player disconnects.))
- Can enter the house even if the owner locked it.
- Cannot change the house name.
- Cannot invite other players to the house.
- Cannot lock/unlock the house.
- Cannot view the invited list of players to the house.
- Cannot change the house interior.
Items | Wardrobe | Money | Invited Friends | |
Low Class | Up to 15 items. | Up to 5 skins. | Up to 60,000$ | Up to 5 Friends. |
Medium Class | Up to 20 items. | Up to 8 skins. | Up to 120,000$ | Up to 12 Friends. |
High Class | Up to 30 items. | Up to 12 skins. | Up to 180,000$ | Up to 22 Friends. |
Garages | 0 | 0 | 0 | Up to 10 Friends. |
- /garage To display a GUI with different options to be able to store, load or swap your vehicle with another one inside the house.
- /garagepos To show you the position where you have to park your vehicle to have it stored in the garage.
- /garagemode [all/personnel] To change the mode of the garage. If it’s all, then everyone invited to the garage/house can access all vehicles inside it. If it’s personnel, then invited people can only access their owned vehicles.
Retail Businesses |
Warehouses |
Ammunition |
Food warehouse |
Clothes Shop |
Drinks warehouse |
Electronics Shop |
Electronics warehouse |
Restaurants |
Oil refinery |
Gas Stations |
Weapons factory |
Drug Stores |
Dealerships |
- Ammunition: ammo only, not guns.
- Gas Stations: fuels only.
- Restaurants: anything
- /building To check more information about the business and its price.
- /buybusiness To buy the business you are standing at
- /bizname [Name]: To set a new name for your business.
- /bizmoney: To see the current money inside the business.
- /bizmoney deposit [amount]: To deposit an amount of money to the business.
- /bizmoney withdraw [amount]: To withdraw an amount of money from the business.
- /buystock: To display a GUI with the list of the available stocks to book.
- /bizcargos: To deliver the booked cargos on the business. It is delivered by the server automatically.
- /pricelist: To show the price of items and the amount of the stock you have of each item in your business.
- /setprice [item] [amount]: To set a new price for an item in your business.
- /exportstock [item] [amount] [desination business]: To export stock to another business if you wish to leave the business empty. ((Does not work for fuel))
- /sellbusiness: To sell the business to state. You be paid the price back.
- /sellbusiness [playerID]: To sell the business to another player, but you will NOT be paid the money back.
- Can access the garage if the business has one.
- Cannot do anything else.
- Can deposit money into the business.
- Cannot withdraw money from the business.
- Can export stock to another business.
- Can book stock.
- Can ask for delivering stock.
- Cannot invite other players to the business.
- Cannot view /hire list.
- /hire [PlayerName] To hire a player to your business. You must be the owner.
- Hire the player twice to fire him out of the business.
- /employeerights [playerName] [standard/manager] To set the rights of a hired player to Standard or Manager.
- /hire list To display the list of the hired players to the business. You must be the owner.
- Owner and the manager can only produce stock.
- Standard Employee can only access garage if the warehouse has any.
- /producestock [item] [amount] To produce stock of the specified item.
- /producelist To show you list of the items that you can produce in the warehouse.
Some businesses, houses, apartments and garages are sent to the auctions to make it fair for everyone to have the ability to run for it. The system is simple, auctions start only when management initiates one. Auctions last for days.
- Auctions end day is postponed every time someone bids on the business/house.
- You cannot bid more than the money you have in your /invent.
- You cannot troll the auctions by bidding more while you are not willing to buy it at the end. You are doing so to just make the price higher.
- /gps then choose “Property Auctions”: To display the current active auctions and the last bids.
- You can access auctions through the City hall as well, by walking to the red marker.
- You can track the business that is set for auctions through /gps and choose “Property Auctions”.
- Once you arrive to the property, you can type /bid [amount] To bid on the business.
- Do not bid for multiple properties if you cannot afford both of them at the same time.
- /admins To display the online list of admins.
- /report [PlayerID] [Reason] To report a player to an admin.
- /trade [PlayerID] A GUI will appear to allow you trade your inventory items with that player.
- /wire [PlayerID] [amount] To send an amount of money to another player. Does not matter where he is.
- /rules, /crimehelp and /policehelp: Short lists of important rules.
- /tutorial Useful for new players to go through the jobs of the server. Bonus money is given per each mission. (Only for first time doing it)
- /stoptutorial To stop the tutorial.
- /getin To get inside an aircraft.
- /getout To get out of the aircraft or to unfreeze yourself if you are bugged.
- /anim To display the available list of animations in a small GUI.
- /stopanim To stop your current animation.
- /enter To enter a house, interior or a building.
- /exit To exit from an interior.
- /invent: To check your inventory, money, loaded vehicles and job inventory.
- /gps To show a list of available places to go to. Restaurants, ammunitions, gas stations, saved locations..etc
- /jobcommands To show you the available commands of your current job.
- /commands To give you a quick list of different commands.
- /lotto [Number from 1-100] To book a lotto ticket. This command is only available when a manager+ issues a lotto competition.
- /joinrace To join a scripted race. Only available when a manager+ enables it.
- /exitrace To exit from the race. You will spawn to your last location.
- F5 To display the current online players.
- F6 To hide chat and hud.
- F7 To enable Control Cruise.