Argonath RPG Laws
Vehicle Operations
- Act 11.1
- All vehicle operators must abide the speed limits in San Adreas:
- Normal city and town streets: 80 km/h
- County interstate roads: 100 km/h
- Highways within Los Santos: 120 km/h
- Highways outside Los Santos: 140 km/h
- Act 11.11
All citizens are expected to pull over to the side of the road if they see or hear a
passing Law Enforcement Organisation vehicle,
ambulance or firetruck with emergency lights and sirens turned on.
- Act 2.4
No person is entitled to give death to another person without due process of justice.
Exceptions are made for self defence and Law Enforcement Officers who are preventing or stopping a crime.
- Act 2.6
Any person who commits, attempts to commit or assists in committing a crime, is guilty of that specific crime.
- Act 2.10
A Law Enforcement Officer who is arresting a person must immediately inform the person of the reason of their arrest.
- Act 2.11
Abuse of any power is prohibited.
- Act 3.11
Threat to cause injury or death is prohibited.
- Act 6.6
Attacking another person with or without a weapon is prohibited and is classified as assault.
- Act 6.7
Attacking another person with a vehicle is prohibited and is classified as vehicular assault.
- Act 9.1
Possessing, buying, selling, producing, transporting, promoting, giving and receiving non-medical drugs is prohibited.
- Act 10.2
A person is not allowed to own the following weapons:
- Automatic pistols
- Automatic shotguns
- Exploding weapons (grenades, mines etc.)
- Act 10.7
A person must not unholster their weapons in public areas