

  • Enforce the Laws
  • Find and capture criminals


Getting the job

  • Drive to a Police Station
  • Type /duty to get the job

Argonath Police Academy

  • Join arpd.argonathrpg.com and learn more how to become a Officer


  • Job radios: /r (/radio) and /e (/emergency)
  • Megaphone: /m [text] and /m 1, /m 2, /m 3
  • Criminals: /crime (view their crime), /suspect [id] [reason], /area [id] (tracks the criminal)
  • Apprehending: /cuff [id], /jail [id]
  • Gear: /uniform, /equip
  • Other: /speed [id]

Cuff details

When a suspect is cuffed they must comply with the Officer commands. However if the Officer who cuffed the criminal is too far from the suspect their cuffs will be removed. After 1 minute the criminal will be able to escape again.